mindful doodles
7# Boxes
#7 Boxes
A doodle pattern made initially using a continuous line drawn set of interconnected boxes.
A fine black felt-tip pen (berol or similar), cartridge paper (or your sketchbook)
Take a few moments to gather together the materials you will need. Clear a space on your table or desk. Take three deep breaths. In through the nose and out the mouth.
Starting near the centre of the page, draw a rectangle using a continuous line. Keep your pen flowing and without taking your pen off the paper draw a second rectangle, and then a third. Continue with this approach until your page feels full. Vary the size of rectangle to create rhythm in the doodle.
Use hatching lines to enhance your rectangle based composition. Vary the hatching lines between, horizontal, vertical and diagonal. You may also want to vary the spaces between your lines.
Block in some of the smaller rectangles with solid inking to add contrast and balance.
Thicken some of your marks where you feel necessary by working over existing lines.
When it feels right, stop, sit back and take in your work.