words and music

Fridge Poetry Songs

Fridge Poetry Songs


Create a micro song using fridge poetry.


Paper, a pen or pencil, a set of fridge poetry

1. Spread out your fridge poetry tiles so you can see as many of them as possible.

2. Select one, two, or three words that resonate with you and place them in a central space.

3. Choose words from the spread of tiles that you feel connect to your selected few words.

4. Arrange these words into lines. Set aside tiles that don't seem to fit for the moment; you can always reintroduce them later.

The lines could rhyme or not—it's up to you.

5. Eventually, you will have a few lines of text. Feel free to edit this. You can even write in your own word(s) if you strongly feel it fits.

6. Write Tongue Drum numbers from 1 to 6 over your newly created lyrics. You can write them randomly, or play them on your tongue drum as you go, listening to which ones you like the sound of.

7. Play through your lyrics on the tongue drum.

8. When you feel confident, sing along.

9. Eventually, try singing your lyrics without the accompaniment of the tongue drum.