words and music

Found Sound Beats

Found Sound Beats

Create a beat using recording buttons and found sounds

Recording buttons, tongue drum or other another instrument (optional)

1. Look around the room you're in and find ways of making sounds using objects around you.

2. When you have found a sound that you like, record it into one of the recording buttons.

3. Repeat steps 1 & 2 until all of the recording buttons have a sound on them

4. Use the buttons to play different repeated rhythms. Start simply, with one button, and then gradually include other buttons to your beat.

5. Try a few different combinations of rhythms to make different beats.

6. Pick your favourite beat and repeat it until you feel really comfortable with it.

7. (Optional) Try playing your rhythm whilst another person plays another instrument along side . You could also record your rhythm into your phone and then play along to it with an instrument yourself.