
improvisation activities

The aim of these improvisation activities is to experience musical improvisation by playing along to the backing track in a group using the selection of instruments suggested. Create your own rhythms, melodies, and have a go at singing along. There is no right or wrong way to interact with this piece. Have fun, listen to the music, listen to each other, and play!

Forest Rain

Improvisation Activity #1 - 'Forest Rain'

(Key - C Major)

Suggested Instrument selection

  • Xylophones / glockenspiels - only notes C D E F G A B

  • Tongue Drums - only in key of 'C', 'C Major' or 'A minor’

  • Chime Bars - only notes C D E F G A B

  • Piano - only white notes

Sea Waves

Improvisation Activity #2 - ‘Sea Waves'

(Key - C Major)

Suggested Instrument selection

  • Ocean Drums

  • Shakers

  • Tongue Drums - only in key of 'C', 'C Major' or 'A minor’

  • Chime Bars - only notes C D E F G A B

Birdsong Meditation

Improvisation Activity #3 - ‘Birdsong Meditation'

(Key - drone on C)

Suggested Instrument selection

  • Chime bars - only notes C D E F G A B

  • Xylophones - only notes C D E F G A B

  • Glockenspiels - only notes C D E F G A B

  • Bells - only notes C D E F G A B

  • 1x deep-sounding drum

  • Tongue drums - only notes C D E F G A B

  • Piano - only white notes (C D E F G A B)

    As this tune based on a drone idea, it is really well suited to singing / humming along to. So give it a go and improvise a sing along!